Hunting and Gathering as per my particular....idiom
Today I was on my way back from the Student Rec Center when I noticed a double-size mattress sitting next to a dumpster near some of the graduate/married student apartments. It appeared to be in reasonably good condition (no huge visible stains, odor within the capabilities of Febreeze, passed the run-in-to-it-to-see-how-springy-it-is test). Since I will be needing a mattress of some sort this fall for the new apartment, I hoisted it up and decided that the least awkward way to carry it would be to balance it on my head. I imagine this must have looked pretty funny. It probably looked even funnier when it slipped off and I fell on top, sliding down the hill on the wet, dewy grass--
oh wait. No, that didn't happen. Sorry, the rest of the transport back to my summer residence at Lewis Hall was uneventful. I guess the most adventure that comes out of this story is just from the concept that in Lawrence there are all sorts of free things being thrown out with which you can stock your abode. Curbside-Mart has been my preferred choice for televisions, refrigerators, couches (/sofas/davenports/whatever else you crazy people want to call them), chairs, old record stereo systems (technically that should be singular; I've only ever found ONE of those), etc. I highly recommend this shopping method, provided you don't mind doing your own moving and some cleaning. Because, yes, we don't know where that mattress has been, so a good disinfection and perhaps a covering of plastic couldn't really hurt. But hey, what a great way to both reduce waste and save yourself money! Which leads me to this wonderful informational poster the gang and I made last fall:

Many useful things can be found in/near them!
Secret criminal evidence!
Exclamation points!!!
All for the low, low price of free!
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Here's a bit of a PS: I got that dumpster pic from another blog, called "Pulp Fiction." So in fairness, here's a link.
My parents once found a wheelchair in a dumpster that they cleaned and we now have in storage in our basement. Another way to save yourself money is by "borrowing" from your parents. I recently "borrowed" their turntable and some of their records and now have a really nifty sound system. Good to see you this afternoon. Peace. ~Erica
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